Appliance Repair Tips for Sparks in Your Microwave

You probably never imagine reading up tips to repair sparks in your microwave. But here you are, frantically searching for the cause of your microwave malfunction. Most likely, you cannot afford any such hold-ups for long. You need a quick fix. 

Do not worry. In this article, we will explore the options of what to do when your microwave is sparking. You will get quick answers, and your microwave troubles will be over. Keep reading.

Why are Sparks in My Microwave?

Obviously, there shouldn’t be sparks flying in your microwave. Such situations can quickly turn anyone into panic mode. Apart from the damage to the microwave itself, sparks constitute an electrical hazard. The following are the likely culprits in this situation.

Metal in the microwave

After so many years of operating a microwave, you should know that metal is a no-no. On no account should you have metal in your unit? They are the most likely materials to cause sparks in the oven. Taken a step further, without proper management, it may cause an explosion.

The most likely way to get metal in the microwave is to forget a utensil in the unit. Besides this, it can happen when you use a metal sponge to get those stubborn food particles off. Then, the sponge may break off and leave small pieces of metal lying around.

Quick fix 1

Pick out any utensils made of metal in the microwave, and try not to forget them again. Additionally, you must use microwave-friendly containers. Finally, before use, ensure you clean the appliance with a damp cloth to remove any metal scraps.

A defective waveguide

A waveguide is a component of the microwave that guides emitted microwaves. As the turntable rotates the food, the waveguide directs the heat waves to the food. Located inside the chamber is the waveguide, which has a cover made of plastic-coated metal.

The waveguide cover gets soiled when there are food particles, and grease stuck on it. This dirt stops this complement from functioning as effectively. It may even cause sparks as the food on it will easily burn.

Alternatively, the waveguide itself (not the cover) may be the cause of the problem. When defective, it may direct the heat to a particular area of the cooking chamber. If the heat is intense enough, sparks may fly.

Quick fix 2

A pro tip for repairing sparks in your microwave is to ensure you have a clean microwave.  A clean microwave also means a clean waveguide cover. When these issues arise, you should clean the surface again. If you’re lucky, the sparks may stop.

However, if the waveguide itself is the problem, it isn’t as straightforward. There may be a need for a replacement. If you fancy a bit of repair work, you can buy a replacement waveguide and install yourself. You must, however, read all the instructions and follow them carefully. Otherwise, you can simply call for professional microwave repair services near you. 

An exposed microwave rack

Some microwave models come with a rack to aid cooking. Naturally, the shelf has some supports to fasten it to the interior walls. Both the frame and the supports are made of metal and coated with plastic. Over time, the plastic coating wears off, and the metal is exposed.  You can easily imagine the sparks this situation will cause.

Quick fix 3

This is an easy one. Remove the rack. There may be some disassembling to do, but it shouldn’t be too difficult. You may also get new replacement racks to suit this purpose.

Faulty diode

We can’t talk tips for repair a sparking microwave without discussing the diode. The high voltage diode is one of the two most critical parts of the microwave oven. The magnetron emits the microwaves to heat the food. But the diode powers the magnetron.

If the diode shorts, it may lead to sparks. If the diode is faulty, the magnetron produces no heat. A sure sign of this is your food taking longer to cook. Couple this symptom with sparks, and you very likely have a faulty diode.

If you are handy with tools and know what a multimeter is, you can test the diode. A functional diode will have high resistance in one direction and low resistance in the other. If there is low resistance in both directions, then there is a problem.

Quick fix 4

Well, this may not be the quickest of fixes. A faulty diode will need a replacement. Also, there are many factors to consider before replacing one.

For one, you will have to disassemble the diode. Next to the diode and magnetron is the capacitor. The capacitors hold a charge even when the oven is unplugged. If you are not careful, the capacitors may cause you some injury.

The first thing to do is to discharge any electricity in the capacitors. You may use an insulated screwdriver to do this. Run the tip of the screwdriver from one terminal to the next. After this; you can begin to uncouple the diode. 

The magnetron may be involved 

Although unlikely, the magnetron misbehaving may be why there are sparks in your microwave. A symptom for magnetron fault is the absence of heat. Essentially, your microwave will not cook anything.

Just like the high voltage diode, you can also test the magnetron with a multimeter. It will help if you take precautions before testing it. If there is a fault, your best option is to call for a replacement.

Check the walls of the microwave

Ironically, the microwave, which is not metal-friendly, is metallic itself. The insides of the oven are also coated, like the rack, with paint. Old age often causes some of the paint to chip off the walls. What do you get? Metal in the microwave again, and there will be sparks.

There’s another scenario that is a distinct possibility. If there are hooks in place to hold the rack in place, they may move. Their movement may also strip the paint off the walls.

The solution for this is to repaint the walls of the microwave. Yes, some stores do sell paint for microwave walls. Use some, and there will be no more sparks in your appliance.

Final take

These tips to repair sparks in your microwave have a recurrent feature. There is a need for prompt identification of the cause of the sparks. It is what determines the next steps you take.

The sparks in your microwave may be scary and annoying. However, before you think of getting a new one, take a pause. You don’t have to spend all of that money on a new microwave. At Repair Appliance CA, we offer same day microwave repair services at affordable prices. Contact us today.